What fast food chains should learn from festivals
Despite the good will it is impossible to make any music or food festival a sustainable matter. The reason for this is the temporary character, the required logistics and transportation and of course the voluminous consumption pattern of its visitors.
However, no party at all is not a solution for anyone and that’s the reason that more and more events have put full emphasis on sustainability to limit negative side effects like environmental damage to a minimum.
Main topics in their pre-event meetings are about energy, water, waste, food and transport. Gradually the largest events in the world are shifting from environmental disasters into environmental ambassadors educating and influencing its visitors to adapt the same way of living.
Taking care of our resources, caring about the world and more importantly the realization that life is not becoming duller but is actually getting more rewarding when turning into a greener lifestyle seems to be the new message.

The successful festivals are sold out in no time. Their innovative food squares, smart waste management, alternative power resources and water and energy saving programs are skyrocketing their reputation. The media writes articles about these things that heretofore could only be described as peripheral matters but now shifted into the most important “Why” of the festival. The line-up of artists and chefs is something now that’s just expected by everyone to be good.
Recent European legislation is forcing the fast food market to phase out their use of plastic disposables. All large manufacturers such as Natural tableware are working full time on tenders focusing on exchanging plastic cutlery and straws for paper, wood and other natural material. In a few years from now, you won’t see any single use plastic anymore at the fast food outlets.
This is the time for all fast food chains and other food concept to fully embrace transition like the festivals did. No short cuts, no smart tricks, no green washing. Fully adapt to a better and greener future, do it faster than legislation demands and do it because you care. Make the marketeers in charge of this one instead of purchasing.
This is not the moment to save cost, it’s the moment to increase result by working on your reputation and realize that sticking to the old economy will be much more expensive in the long term.
Natural Tableware